Are you looking for ways to cut recruitment costs for your company? Is your HR department being pressured to reduce overhead? Hiring internally is costly, takes a long time and may result in low-quality candidates. Outsourcing is one way to reduce hiring costs while keeping your business productive. An efficient recruiting agency can decrease time and financial expenditures, bringing in quality employees while maintaining corporate productivity. The following are ways an employment service can save you money.
- Reduce hiring mistakes: Employing the wrong candidate can cost your business two times the annual salary of the employee through low productivity, reduced team morale, extended training and the cost of finding and hiring a replacement. A staffing agency screens and hires the right person for the job and assists in the process of onboarding, increasing productivity and profitability.
- Eliminate overtime: There are periods when you may find the workload too great for your workforce. This slows response time and production output. Staff are forced to work long days and you pay expensive overtime. A staffing agency allows you to quickly hire temporary employees, reducing your labour costs and speeding the work, free from the expense of overtime and full-time benefits. You hire workers when you need them and let them go when they are no longer beneficial.
- Reduce benefits expenses: Employee benefits cost 30 to 35% of their wage/salary. Eliminate some of this expenditure by using a staffing agency to hire temporary or contingent workers paid through the recruitment firm. This option is perfect for short-term employees for a specific project or for a worker with a unique skill set that is only needed periodically.
- Shift administrative work: When working with a recruitment agency, the effort and expenses for processing and administering payroll/benefits are transferred to the staffing firm. You can even have the agency create an onboarding/orientation program for training new recruits, eliminating further effort and expenses.
- Transfer fixed costs to variable costs: Labour costs are a large expense. A recruiting agency helps you reduce your core staff to a nominal level by providing temporary staff for peak workloads, when required. This is great for companies with a sudden but limited demand (ie: coverage for Christmas or the tourist season).
- Reduce payroll costs: Hiring lower-paid, temporary staff to handle routine tasks costs considerably less than having permanent employees complete these duties. Allowing permanent staff to focus on core duties boosts productivity and results, giving you the most return for their salary. Temporary, technical workers can be hired for their expertise and help in completing a particular project.
- Decrease turnover: Employees often leave due to insufficient compensation and/or misalignment of expectations. A professional hiring agency provides candidates with a clear idea of what to expect regarding the position/compensation and makes sure the employee is a good fit for your organization.
- “Try before you buy: Recruitment agencies often offer temp-to-hire workers. This enables your company to see how a candidate fits with your business/team before you bring them on full-time. If they don’t work out, you’re not responsible for the paperwork and effort to let them go, saving you time and money.
- Direct-hire recruitment allows your company to pay a one-time placement fee. The agency guarantees that if a candidate doesn’t work out, they’ll find someone who does. Such agreements save your company time, effort and money.
- Reduced HR department: A full-time HR department involves salaries, benefits and office space. A staffing agency saves on these costs while providing a competent HR partner.
Recruiting firms deal with the time-consuming tasks of combing through resumes, screening, interviewing and preparing candidates for the position. They fill vacant positions quickly as they have an extensive network of available workers. Their technology and expertise guide you through the hiring process with ease and speed, saving you time, effort and money. Consider shifting the time, costs, responsibility and headaches of hiring to staffing and recruiting experts.
Looking to fill vacant positions in your organization? Interested in some expert advice and assistance? Call our Calgary recruiting agency, Equation Staffing Solutions at 1-844-367-9618. We are a reliable, innovative, collaborative agency here to support you in your search for a position and/or personnel. Our experience will assist you! Contact us today.