Company Policies



At Equation Staffing Solutions Inc., we recognize the importance of environmental sustainability and our  responsibility to minimize our impact on the environment. As a staffing company based in Calgary,  Alberta, we are committed to promoting environmentally friendly practices within our organization and  among our clients and partners. 


Our climate and environmental policy aims to achieve the following objectives:  

  1. Reduce our carbon footprint by implementing energy-efficient practices.  
  2. Promote waste reduction, recycling, and responsible resource management. 
  3. Encourage sustainable transportation options for our employees. 
  4. Collaborate with clients and partners to adopt environmentally conscious practices. 


Energy Efficiency  

  • We will strive to reduce energy consumption in our office spaces by: 
    • Using energy-efficient lighting and appliances. 
    • Turning off lights, computers, and other equipment when not in use. 
    • Monitoring and optimizing heating and cooling systems.  

Waste Reduction and Recycling  

  • We will minimize waste generation by:
    • Encouraging employees to use reusable containers and utensils.
    • Implementing a paperless office policy. 
    • Recycling paper, plastic, glass, and other materials.  

Sustainable Transportation  

  • We will support sustainable transportation options by:
    • Encouraging employees to use public transit, carpool, or bike to work. 
    • Providing incentives for using eco-friendly transportation methods.  

Collaboration with Clients and Partners  

  • We will work with our clients and partners to:
    • Promote environmentally responsible practices in their operations.
    • Encourage the adoption of sustainable policies and procedures.  

Reporting and Accountability  

  • We will regularly review and assess our climate and environmental performance. 
  • Employees are encouraged to report any environmental concerns or suggestions to  management.  


By adhering to this climate and environmental policy, we contribute to a healthier planet and set an  example for others in our industry. Let’s work together to create a more sustainable future.


  1. Integrity and Honesty:
    • Employees should act with integrity, honesty, and transparency in all business dealings.
    • Avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any potential conflicts promptly.

  1. Professional Conduct:
    • Employees should treat colleagues, clients, and candidates with respect and professionalism.
    • Uphold confidentiality regarding sensitive information.

  1. Equal Opportunity and Diversity:
    • Employees should promote equal opportunity and diversity in hiring practices.
    • Prohibit discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or other protected characteristics.

  1. Health and Safety:
    • Employees should ensure a safe work environment for employees and temporary workers.
    • Comply with health and safety regulations.

  1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations:
    • Employees should adhere to all applicable employment laws, including labor standards, privacy laws, and employment contracts.
    • Avoid engaging in illegal or unethical practices.



At Equation Staffing Solutions, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our business activities. Our Corporate Code of Ethics outlines the principles and guidelines that govern our behavior as an organization, our interactions with clients, candidates, employees, and the community. By adhering to this code, we demonstrate our commitment to integrity, transparency, and responsible business practices.


Our core values guide our actions and decisions:

  1. Integrity: We act honestly, ethically, and transparently in all our dealings.
  2. Respect: We treat everyone with respect, fairness, and dignity.
  3. Excellence: We strive for excellence in our services and relationships.
  4. Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions and decisions.


  1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
    • We comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.
    • We do not engage in illegal or unethical practices.

  1. Conflicts of Interest
    • We avoid conflicts of interest that could compromise our judgment or impartiality.
    • We disclose any potential conflicts promptly.

  1. Confidentiality
    • We protect confidential information, including client and candidate data.
    • We do not disclose confidential information without proper authorization.

  1. Fair Employment Practices
    • We promote equal employment opportunities and diversity.
    • We treat all employees and candidates fairly and without discrimination.

  1. Client and Candidate Relationships
    • We maintain professional relationships with clients and candidates.
    • We provide accurate and transparent information to both parties.

  1. Transparency in Fees and Charges
    • We clearly communicate our fees and charges to clients and candidates.
    • We avoid hidden fees or misleading practices.

  1. Health and Safety
    • We prioritize the health and safety of our employees and candidates.
    • We comply with health and safety regulations.

  1. Environmental Responsibility
    • We strive to minimize our environmental impact.
    • We promote sustainable practices within our organization.

  1. Social Responsibility
    • We contribute positively to the communities where we operate.
    • We support charitable initiatives and volunteer efforts.

  1. Reporting Violations
  • Employees are encouraged to report any violations of this code.
  • We investigate reported violations promptly and take appropriate action.


Equation Staffing Solutions is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards. By following this Corporate Code of Ethics, we build trust, maintain our reputation, and contribute to a better business environment.



At Equation Staffing Solutions, we are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful workplace for all employees, clients, candidates, and visitors. Harassment in any form is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This policy outlines our commitment to preventing harassment and the steps we take to address any incidents that may occur.


  • Harassment: Any unwelcome conduct, comment, gesture, or behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Harassment can be verbal, physical, or visual.
  • Protected Characteristics: These include race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, and any other legally protected characteristic.

Policy Guidelines

  1. Prohibition of Harassment
  • We prohibit all forms of harassment, including but not limited to:
    • Sexual harassment
    • Verbal abuse
    • Bullying
    • Offensive jokes or comments
    • Unwanted advances
    • Retaliation against those who report harassment

  1. Reporting Harassment
  • Employees who experience or witness harassment should report it promptly.
  • Reports can be made to a supervisor, HR, or through our confidential reporting system.
  • We encourage victims to report incidents without fear of retaliation.

  1. Confidentiality
  • We respect the confidentiality of individuals involved in any incident.
  • Investigations will be conducted discreetly and with sensitivity.

  1. Investigation and Resolution
  • All reports will be thoroughly investigated.
  • We will take appropriate action based on the investigation findings.
  • Disciplinary measures may include counseling, warnings, suspension, or termination.

  1. Prevention and Training
  • We provide regular training on harassment prevention.
  • Employees are educated on recognizing and preventing harassment.
  • Supervisors receive additional training on handling complaints.

  1. Retaliation
  • We prohibit retaliation against anyone who reports harassment in good faith.
  • Retaliation is a violation of this policy and will be addressed promptly.

  1. Responsibilities
  • All employees are responsible for maintaining a harassment-free workplace.
  • Supervisors must address any reported incidents promptly and appropriately.

  1. Compliance
  • Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action.
  • We take all complaints seriously and address them promptly.


Equation Staffing Solutions is committed to preventing harassment and promoting a respectful work environment. By adhering to this policy, we create a workplace where everyone feels safe and valued.



At Equation Staffing Solutions, we are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, clients, candidates, and visitors. Our Health and Safety Policy outlines our commitment to preventing accidents, injuries, and occupational illnesses. We comply with all relevant health and safety laws and regulations.

Core Principles

  1. Responsibility
  • All employees share the responsibility for health and safety.
  • Managers and supervisors are accountable for implementing and enforcing safety measures.

  1. Risk Assessment
  • We conduct regular risk assessments to identify workplace hazards.
  • Mitigation measures are implemented to reduce risks.

  1. Training and Education
  • Employees receive proper training on health and safety procedures.
  • New employees undergo orientation to understand safety protocols.

  1. Emergency Preparedness
  • We have emergency response plans in place for various scenarios (fire, medical emergencies, etc.).
  • Employees are familiar with evacuation routes and emergency contacts.

  1. Reporting Incidents
  • All incidents (injuries, near misses, property damage) must be reported promptly.
  • We investigate incidents to prevent recurrence.

  1. Health and Wellness
  • We promote employee well-being through health programs and resources.
  • Mental health support is available to employees.

Policy Guidelines

  1. Workplace Safety
  • Employees must follow safety rules and procedures.
  • Use personal protective equipment (PPE) as required.
  • Report unsafe conditions or hazards to supervisors.

  1. Ergonomics
  • We provide ergonomic workstations and encourage proper posture.
  • Regular breaks are encouraged to prevent strain.

  1. First Aid and Medical Assistance
  • First aid kits are available and accessible.
  • Employees receive first aid training.
  • Medical assistance is provided promptly when needed.

  1. Fire Safety
  • Employees are familiar with fire exits, fire extinguishers, and evacuation procedures.
  • Fire drills are conducted periodically.

  1. Electrical Safety
  • Electrical equipment is inspected regularly.
  • Employees are trained to use electrical devices safely.

  1. Chemical Safety
  • Proper handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals are essential.
  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available for hazardous substances.

  1. Workplace Violence and Harassment
  • We have a zero-tolerance policy for workplace violence and harassment.
  • Employees are encouraged to report incidents.

  1. Remote Work Safety
  • Employees working remotely must follow safety guidelines.
  • Ergonomic considerations apply to home workstations.


Equation Staffing Solutions prioritizes health and safety. By adhering to this policy, we create a secure work environment for everyone.



At Equation Staffing Solutions Inc, we are committed to maintaining a respectful and inclusive workplace for all employees, clients, candidates, and visitors. This policy outlines our expectations for behavior and interactions within our organization. We believe that a respectful workplace fosters collaboration, productivity, and employee well-being.

Core Principles

Our core principles guide our approach to creating a respectful workplace:

  1. Respect: Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their role, background, or position.
  2. Diversity and Inclusion: Embrace diversity and create an inclusive environment.
  3. Zero Tolerance: We have zero tolerance for harassment, discrimination, or disrespectful behavior.

Policy Guidelines

  1. Harassment and Discrimination
  • We prohibit any form of harassment or discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.
  • Harassment includes verbal, physical, or visual conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

  1. Professional Conduct
  • Employees are expected to maintain professional conduct at all times.
  • Avoid offensive language, derogatory comments, or inappropriate jokes.
  • Treat colleagues, clients, and candidates with courtesy and consideration.

  1. Inclusive Language
  • Use inclusive language that respects diversity.
  • Avoid assumptions or stereotypes related to gender, ethnicity, or other characteristics.

  1. Reporting Incidents
  • Employees who experience or witness disrespectful behavior should report it promptly.
  • Reports can be made to a supervisor or via [email protected]

  1. Confidentiality
  • We respect the confidentiality of individuals involved in any incident.
  • Investigations will be conducted discreetly and with sensitivity.

  1. Retaliation
  • We prohibit retaliation against anyone who reports an incident in good faith.
  • Retaliation is a violation of this policy and will be addressed promptly.

  1. Training and Awareness
  • We provide regular training on respectful workplace practices.
  • Employees are encouraged to participate in workshops and discussions.

  1. Consequences
  • Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
    We take all complaints seriously and investigate thoroughly.


Equation Staffing Solutions Inc is committed to maintaining a respectful workplace where everyone feels valued and safe. By adhering to this policy, we contribute to a positive work environment for all.



At Equation Staffing Solutions, we value ethical business practices and expect our suppliers to uphold the same standards. Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the principles and expectations we have for our suppliers. By adhering to this code, suppliers contribute to a positive and responsible business environment.

Core Principles

  1. Ethics and Integrity
  • Suppliers must act with honesty, integrity, and transparency in all their dealings.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any potential conflicts promptly.

  1. Fair Employment Practices
  • Suppliers should treat their employees fairly, without discrimination.
  • Prohibit forced labor, child labor, and any form of exploitation.

  1. Environmental Responsibility
  • Suppliers must comply with environmental laws and regulations.
  • Promote sustainable practices and minimize their environmental impact.

  1. Human Rights and Labor Standards
  • Uphold human rights, including freedom of association and collective bargaining.
  • Provide safe working conditions and fair wages.

  1. Anti-Corruption and Bribery
  • Suppliers should not engage in bribery, corruption, or unethical practices.
  • Comply with anti-corruption laws and regulations.

  1. Data Privacy and Security
  • Protect sensitive information and respect privacy rights.
  • Safeguard data against unauthorized access.


  1. Compliance: Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.
  2. Transparency: Suppliers should provide accurate and transparent information to Equation Staffing Solutions.
  1. Reporting: Suppliers must promptly report any violations of this code.
  2. Continuous Improvement: Suppliers are encouraged to continuously improve their practices.


By adhering to this Supplier Code of Conduct and Ethics, Equation Staffing Solutions and its suppliers contribute to a responsible and sustainable business ecosystem.



At Equation Staffing Solutions, we are committed to maintaining a culture of transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior. Our Whistleblower Policy provides a mechanism for employees, clients, candidates, and other stakeholders to report concerns or suspected violations of laws, regulations, or company policies. We encourage individuals to come forward without fear of retaliation.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, clients, candidates, and other stakeholders associated with Equation Staffing Solutions.

Reporting Process

  1. Reporting Channels
  • Individuals can report concerns or violations through the following channels:
  1. Types of Concerns
  • Individuals may report concerns related to:
    • Accounting irregularities
    • Fraud
    • Harassment
    • Discrimination
    • Violations of company policies
    • Health and safety hazards
    • Environmental violations
    • Any other unethical or illegal behavior

  1. Confidentiality
  • Reports will be treated confidentially to the extent possible.
  • The identity of the whistleblower will be protected, and retaliation is strictly prohibited.

  1. Investigation
  • Upon receiving a report, Equation Staffing Solutions will promptly investigate the matter.
  • The investigation will be conducted impartially and thoroughly.
  • Whistleblowers may be asked to provide additional information during the investigation.

  1. Non-Retaliation
  • Equation Staffing Solutions prohibits retaliation against whistleblowers.
  • Any retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action.

  1. False Reports
  • Making false or malicious reports with the intent to harm others is strictly prohibited.
  • Individuals who knowingly make false reports may face disciplinary action.

Reporting Violations

– If you have a concern or wish to report a violation:

Contact your supervisor or sending an email to [email protected] and provide as much detail as possible to facilitate the investigation.


Equation Staffing Solutions is committed to addressing concerns promptly and maintaining a culture of integrity. By reporting violations, whistleblowers contribute to our collective effort to uphold ethical standards.